Thank you for your interest! I haven't been able to get one of them new-fangled online "carts" to work. So in true retro-fashion, fill out this ORDER FORM for multiple items or special orders. RED is required information. Then click the PLACE ORDER button at the bottom, which should email it to me. (If that doesn't work, then email a copy of this order form to me directly.)

I will estimate the total with shipping and handing, and email you an invoice, assuming shipment by US first class mail, and payment via Paypal. If you approve, just click the link to place the order and pay for it. Or, make any desired changes and contact me by email. You can also print the invoice and mail it to me with your check or money order.

814 8th Ave N
Sartell, MN 56377 USA
phone 320-656-9874

Who is placing this order? Name:  Date:
How can I contact you? Email:  Phone:
Who do I mail it to? To:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
City:  State/Province:  ZIP:

Quantity Description $ Each $ Total

TMSI Electronikits Order Form by Lee A. Hart. Created 6/12/2019. Last update 9/30/2023.
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