My program shipped on schedule,
But it would not behave.
A copy went to Hoover Dam,
And caused a tidal wave!
I wrote some code to buy and sell,
And hoped to make some cash.
But when I started using it,
Next day, the market crashed!
I had so many bugs I thought
that I could sell some off.
I called a friend, and he agreed.
He works for Microsoft!
I wrote a little piece of code
That worked without a hitch.
But antivirus companies
Said, "Thanks! You've made us rich!"
I put it on a floppy disk,
But it did not work out.
For every time I put it in,
Computers spit it out!
I wrote some code for Washington.
They haven't used it yet.
It counts the votes for President.
I wonder who we'll get!
This silly little ditty is about computer programming. The three-finger-salute is when you have to press the CTRL-ALT-DELETE keys, to reset a "crashed" PC.
Lee A. Hart
A poem by Lee A. Hart, © 1984-2019 by Lee A. Hart. Created 3/6/2012. Last updated 3/2/2019.
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